Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda

“About the Disease – Obesity

Obesity is a clinical condition in which a person has excess weight or body fat that might affect their health. Obesity can be a main factor of other diseases and health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and certain cancers.

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 indicates that a person is carrying excess weight & BMI of 30 or over specifies that a person is obese.Obesity In Ayurveda Context

In Ayurveda, Obesity can be understood as an excessive deposition of fat/adipose tissue and flesh/muscle tissue leading to flabbiness of hips, abdomen, and breast. Ayurveda considers obesity as a disease because of excessive calories consumption.

Ayurveda Management of Obesity

For purification & elimination of toxins from the body, panchkarma therapies are performed which are very effective in treating obesity.


1. Medicated Enema: This therapy is done by injecting liquids like medicated oils, herbal decoctions and milk through the rectum. The main aim of medicated enema therapy is to clean or heal. The toxins collected in the lower part of the body or they pushed to the colon, urinary tract or reproductive tract.

2. By purifying and detoxifying the body, this therapy helps to restore the natural heat within the body. This naturally burns the toxins at the cellular level & prevents it from re-generating. It also helps to regain the normal digestive process and to lose/maintain weight effectively.

3. Oleation Therapy: In oleation therapy, the herbal medicated oil is applied over the body with a slow massage which removes body impurities & reduce body weight.

4. Herbal Steam Therapy: Herbal Steam Therapy is known as swedana therapy in Ayurveda. In this therapy, with the help of herbal steam, sweat is induced & toxins get eliminated from the body. This helps in reducing body weight.

5. Purgation Therapy : Purgation Therapy is an ayurvedic detox therapy that helps in treating obesity. Purgation therapy involves the oral intake of Ayurveda medicines in order to eliminate toxins from the body through vomiting, thus balancing the bio elements.

6. Herbal Medicines: Herbal medicines proven efficacy in management of obesity. Most common herbal supplements used for treating obesity are green tea, garcinia cambogia, white kidney bean and African mango.

7. Therapeutic Yoga & Meditation: Yoga & Meditation are the Ayurveda breathing techniques, which gives great benefits like increased energy, increased perception and development of various brain functions. Yoga & meditation is extremely beneficial in losing weight.

How it works?


Request for medicine

Patient who has serious problem request for medicine



Drug Verify

Internal processing of drug verifications at GM Global




Recognizing best source for the specific prescription



GDP Instruction

Import medicine under the GDP instruction



QA check

Supply drugs to concerned healthcare provider after QA check



QA check

Supply drugs to concerned healthcare provider after QA check



A NPP provides access to post-approval drugs that are approved and commercially available in one or more country, other than the patient’s home country.


No. Companies are not required to provide their products through a formal NPP.


  • Dealing with unsolicited patient request for drug in an ethical and regulatory controlled manner
  • Providing exposure to, and experience with, company products to physicians in additional countries and build a larger KOL network and future advocates
  • Providing new products to patients who would move to commercial drug when it becomes available in these countries
  • Generating additional revenues in countries that allow you to charge for drugs supplied on a named patient basis

Companies can provide drug to patients in any country in which they have not yet received marketing approval. This includes countries in which a company plans to seek marketing approval, as well as those countries in which a company does not plan to seek marketing approval.



As a named patient medicines you may find yourself in the frightening position that you have a serious condition or illness and the treatment you need is not available in your home country. It is possible that the medicines are available outside your country and if your physician decides that these drugs would be suitable for the treatment of your illness, they then face the challenge of obtaining them for you. We help physicians across the world access medicines which are not approved or licensed in their country, but may be required to meet the special needs of an individual patient. The service we provide not only locates and supplies the required medicines but ensures that the physician has all the quality assurance and supporting clinical information they will need to safely prescribe it to you. If you are confronted with a situation where a drug is not available to you, talk to your physician or healthcare professional about Named Patient Program and ask them to contact us. We will then work directly with your physician to help them in patient access program and understand what options are available.



Drugs We Provide Under NPS

Drug Directory

Orphan Drugs


Request for medicine

Patient who has serious problem request for medicine



Drug Verify

Internal processing of drug verifications at GM Global




Recognizing best source for the specific prescription



GDP Instruction

Import medicine under the GDP instruction



QA check

Supply drugs to concerned healthcare provider after QA check



QA check

Supply drugs to concerned healthcare provider after QA check



A NPP provides access to post-approval drugs that are approved and commercially available in one or more country, other than the patient’s home country.


No. Companies are not required to provide their products through a formal NPP.


  • Dealing with unsolicited patient request for drug in an ethical and regulatory controlled manner
  • Providing exposure to, and experience with, company products to physicians in additional countries and build a larger KOL network and future advocates
  • Providing new products to patients who would move to commercial drug when it becomes available in these countries
  • Generating additional revenues in countries that allow you to charge for drugs supplied on a named patient basis

Companies can provide drug to patients in any country in which they have not yet received marketing approval. This includes countries in which a company plans to seek marketing approval, as well as those countries in which a company does not plan to seek marketing approval.



As a named patient medicines you may find yourself in the frightening position that you have a serious condition or illness and the treatment you need is not available in your home country. It is possible that the medicines are available outside your country and if your physician decides that these drugs would be suitable for the treatment of your illness, they then face the challenge of obtaining them for you. We help physicians across the world access medicines which are not approved or licensed in their country, but may be required to meet the special needs of an individual patient. The service we provide not only locates and supplies the required medicines but ensures that the physician has all the quality assurance and supporting clinical information they will need to safely prescribe it to you. If you are confronted with a situation where a drug is not available to you, talk to your physician or healthcare professional about Named Patient Program and ask them to contact us. We will then work directly with your physician to help them in patient access program and understand what options are available.